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Game Programmer


Name's David, French Gamer (Baguette !) since little boy with snes & megadrive
I started game programming in 2020 with Unreal Engine 4
You can guess why I became a game programmer right ?
I love Video Games, from when I could hold a controller to today video games never left me, so I wanted to make it my job
I'm going to show what I learned since I started.

Here we go !


My Latest Work

From The Ground | WIP



Third Person Shooter


Done with Unreal engine

This is my first game I did with tutorials on youtube

Here we got Wraith, a Paragon character gifted by Epic games in the marketplace

The game features shooting (obviously), walking, jumping, running with aim offset
The shooting has aim assist, you can see multiples circles around, the game engine starts to calculate aim assist in the purple section & so is blue, it starts to move the crosshair inside the yellow circle, if the red dot touches the head, so the crosshair would move to the head unstead of the body

I'm pretty much proud of this project, that was my "first game" after all !


Plateformer 101


Made with Unity

Here is my first Unity game, I used lego assets since it was pretty easy to use and understand, this is inspired by death games like theses Counter strike maps, or at that time Squid game was the thing

The game is simple, walk/jump on platforms, if it's good it goes forward, if it's bad it explodes and you die
Get to the other side and win !


Driving licence simulator


Made with Unity

So next, I needed a car game, I thought about my driving licence test and that day it was a nightmare, so I got inspired and here it is !

You're driving a blue car, you have to go to a goal line, problem is everyone is trying to crash the car, pannels, bus, tanks, everything but the weather !

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